Thursday, November 18, 2010

ConVerge 10

Wordle: ConvergeI have just returned from an experience that has validated the last 3 years of my journey, It was great being around such clever and innovative people although at times I felt a bit out of my league.
This conference has given me the oppurtunity to come up with a new action plan I hope to develop over the next 12 months.
What are some of the quotes that resignated with me?
  • Making training more accessible students will demand a more tailored, learning experience.
  • The more you learn the more you want to learn
  • A PLN is personal,practical and pervasive
  • Mahoodle is the buzz word
  • Twitter can be used to your advantage
  • Skills reform need partnerships
  • Change perpective when neccasary
  • Encourage acceptance
  • Overcome reluctance
  • Wiring a place for technology is easy Wiring people to technology is hard
  • Beware of Content trap
  • Change your practices to 21st century education
  • Students seek out e-learning when not happy
  • Assessment measures learning it is not the reason for it
  • Gen Y have a need to connect to everyone all the time as educaters we can take advantage of this
The importance of developing Mahoodle became obvious to me and I see a trend towards these tools. My focus will be directed in this direction for the next few months as I attempt to become competent with in these tools.

It was great to meet face to face, the many inspiring people I have met in elluminate or followed on line in Twitter, Blogs and other forums.
There was a real sense of sharing at ConVerge a sharing of e- ideas and talent. It was inspiring to see how the use of Twitter kept everyone informed throughout the confrence and to see the many people who I follow already on twitter participating.
Two of the most embrassed key note speakers were Joyce Seitzingerand  Andrew Douch  there talks inspired and connected

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Junita! What an exciting and inspiring experience you have had. Brilliant to end the year on a high and to have a new and exciting focus for your learning. I'm really pleased for you.
